Welcome to Sexucation2022-10-02T23:02:17+01:00

We are not born knowing how to have sex.

Our relationship with sex is learnt.

From our experiences, our upbringing, our societal understanding and teachings.

I am a plus size woman, I am a wife, daughter, niece, auntie, friend, I am a mother of two AND I am a sexual being!

My name is Jessica, and since 2017 I’ve studied sexology, it has become my passion (cliche I know!). I love talking about sex, sharing sex positive, scientific, factual and straightforward information, with some fun and humour sprinkled in. I encouraging open and honest communication because this is a journey we are all on.

My hope is that the more I talk about sex, the more of us who embrace the conversation, the more we normalise sex – the easier it is change our own worlds!

What if we stopped treating sex as taboo,and treat it as any other ‘lesson’ to learn in life. Like learning the piano, or to ride a bike?

I’m here for TWO reasons…

No. 1 – I want you to experience the best, most amazing sex of your life…

…whatever that might be, however that might look to you. It could be more sex, less sex, better sex, tantric sex, spiritual sex, energetic sex or even no sex at all. It is about looking out ourselves, finding our deepest desires, dealing with our fears, embracing our bodies and exploring the world available to us – to realise that we are all amazing, individual and normal!

No 2 – I want to create a world where my children, the next generation, get accurate and empowering information.

We need to be seen as embracing our sexual selves, being open and honest with our children – lead by example! Available sex education is limited, is outdated and the ability to get their hands on unsafe information becomes easier and easier each day. We’ve been passing the same archaic and restricting information down generation by generation, because it is too taboo to talk about! Let’s stop that today!

Let’s talk about sex

Sex education, coaching and support can make real changes to your life, with yourself, with partners, with friends, family and colleagues.

How we work together

My mission is to provide support, learning and resources creating safe, non-judgemental and confidential spaces where we can open up the conversation on sex. Wherever you are on your journey, there is something for you – let’s explore together!

Discover the True You

Break some of the taboos that are holding you back all for a better life-style and the sex YOU WANT.

Discover the TRUE sexual you in this 2-hour private 121 session on zoom, click to find out more and book today.

Desire and Pleasure Coaching

It all starts with a desire! Coaching is a transformation journey of discovery – through straightforward, scientific and sex positive guidance.

Events and Happenings

Check out what I’m up to, where I’m speaking and join in!

Evening webinars, education alongside guest speakers and women’s circles. 

I want to take a second just to highlight one more thing, what this is NOT……..it is not a space where I tell you what you should be doing to be ‘normal’, your individuality is cherished and worshipped. This is not a place where you’ll do a quiz to work out how many times a week you should be having sex, or whether your partner is the right sexual fit for you. It is not a place where you will be given a ‘position of the fortnight’, and it isn’t a porn or dating site. (Psst if you need recommendations for those, just drop me a message!).

Join my Community

Learn more about sex and relationships, along with reading my thoughts and ramblings from my experiences and studies. I will share with you recommended resources, news, updates and factual, straightforward sex positive information.

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