Getting your knowledge out to the world

Tech support to get you out into the world

How to bring sex into your wellbeing space

As experts, I feel we have a responsibility

The responsibility to:

  • Share our knowledge with the wider world
  • To ensure we are speaking about sex to our clients

I have found, entering this world of wellness and wellbeing, that so many experts, with so much knowledge and information to share, are often wary of technology. I found that there are a lot of courses out there to teach you how to do it yourself, and those are great, except what if you just want someone to DO IT FOR YOU?!?

I’ve also spoken to many a coach, counsellor and wellbeing professional who have asked ‘how do I broach the subject of sex to my clients?‘. It is an important subject, one that DOES affect our clients even if they come to us for something seemingly unrelated, but it can be a delicate one.

The world needs you!

You know your niche well, it has likely taken you years to skill level, you have amazing knowledge that the world needs. We all need to get out there and share the amazing world of self-development, health (and of course sex).

Time and tech seem to be the curse holding everyone back. Enter moi!

I help sexperts, health & wellness coaches, therapists, counsellors to get online, share their expertise, change lives.

I’m NOT teaching you how, I’m actually going to do the bulk of it for you!

  • Building you a beautiful website – I hope you like mine!
  • Pretty, on-brand, pdfs – great for sign-up downloads and gathering prospect info.
  • Setting up email automations, email signatures, social media pages.

  • Creating templates for your brand images.
  • Creating a passive/semi-passive income on your website by way of a course or membership programme
  • All of the above – the complete SHEBANG!

I’ve made some useful examples for you too, download my pricing guide and one of my pdfs…. or go straight to book a call with me to chat about your next project.

What would I do without her! Jessica has supported me with all my tech needs for over 4 years. From building two websites, creating email automations, getting an online booking system live on my site. She is supportive, explains what she is doing, happy to tell you that you have a idea that won’t work!

Carol Graham – Psychosexual Therapist
North Hampshire Clinic / Treatment Hub

You, Your client and sex

We all need to talk to our clients about sex, whether you are a relationship coach or a health professional, sex is a big part of our lives and can have an ongoing effect on us when it is not addressed fully.

Asking your client ‘How is your sex life?’ is not enough! They likely will glaze over it or one word answer you.

It is our responsibility to create a safe, judgement free space for them to open up about ALL areas of their life. And the way we do this …

We get comfortable with sex in our own skin. Yes, YOU need to think about your own relationship with sex, desire, intimacy and pleasure.

We ask the right questions, we create the safe space, we free ourselves of boundaries so that there is no judgement!

There is a course coming early 2023, in the meantime, join me for my webinar ‘Talking Sex to Your Clients’. 

I started life as a techy, I’ve loved computers since I was a child and often got told to ‘stop’ doing my homework that way and use a pen. I love creating graphics, making things look pretty. Being behind the computer screen is one of my happy places.