You & Sex Membership
Opening up the conversation of sex, creating a safe space for women and vulva owners to learn, explore and change views on sex in a healthy, informative, natural, open, positive and straightforward way – for better sex, for sex you want, to break the taboos, to share the right information to the new generations.
It is time for you to think about sex without the taboo factor
I love sex, been doing it for years, enjoy it and go back for seconds. So it shocked me when I first entered this world of ‘sexology’ about how much I DIDN’T KNOW. How have I gone about my life without this information? The lightbulbs were flashing, twinkling and going haywire everyday, and have been since!
However, the subject of sex comes with its own tripwires. We’ve been told for years, probably since we were born, that sex happens behind closed doors, not to talk about it, not to share our problems. Sex has a massive TABOO FACTOR – you must be a good girl!
The purpose of You & Sex is to help you shed the taboo, get rid of the stereotypes, the negativity surround sex and ultimately empower you to better and more fulfilling sexual experiences. Here is the thing, we avoid the topic of sex because the limited teaching we receive is the flashing red lights of danger. Beware, beware, beware!
Within You & Sex, we look at sex in all it’s glory. Factually, scientifically, spiritually, informatively and importantly straightforwardly! Learning about sex is the same as learning about anything in life. And when we put that learning into practice, the magic happens!
Is it for you?
You & Sex is perfect if you are in (or looking for) a long-term relationship, you are curious about sex but never found a safe space to explore, you understand the value sex has in a relationship, you want to spark your desire to WANT sex and make positive changes for the future.
Psst, if you are not a woman or vulva owner and think ‘what about me?’ let me know, because there is more to come in the future!
Why the topic of sex is so important to talk about
Over the years I’ve discovered that learning about ‘the sex you want’ is not the only part of the puzzle to reach amazing, breathtaking, toe-curling sexual experiences. And that it is too easy to put our heads in the sand and ignore the world around us.
The topic of sex is a powerful conduit to other things, because it allows us to bring down the walls. If we break the taboo around sex, the world is our oyster!
I get it, sex is also scary! It brings out a full range of emotions in us – from excitement to fear – and everything in-between. I am here, along with other experts and professionals, to walk you through it. You’ll be in a safe, supported space where you can:
explore and empower yourself
think about sex in a positive and exciting light
create the sexual person you want to be
uncover your desires
enjoy the healthy sex-life that YOU want
be a good role model for the younger generation
become better connected with partners
How does it work?
Let’s talk about what you’ll find inside the You & Sex Membership Programme
Sex is the binding topic that brings everything together inside You & Sex, but you’ll find much more than that. You’ll learn about yourself, who you are in the world and most importantly what the world has to teach us.
Content will delve into relationships, bodies and image, gender, diversity, wellness and more …
Expert Content
Some of the experts that will be creating content for you
Sex and relationships is such a wide and varied subject, and a huge part of that is health and wellbeing. In the membership, I’llbe showcasing some of the experts in their field on various subjects across the board of female wellbeing and sexuality. The experts will be sharing with you their guidance and learnings, for you to empower yourself. All the masterclasses and expert interviews will be available to re-watch, so you’ll not miss anything!

Answering a few questions…
Is this for women (vulva owners) only?
Right now, yes! The space I’ve created is for exploration of female sexuality, which also encourages more open communication.
Is the membership for LGBTQ+ and transwomen?
If you identify as female the absolutely this space if for you.
Do I need to have a sexual concern to join?
Absolutely not! In fact, my own story and those I work with, come from a place of being pro-active in our sex-lives and relationships, rather than reactive. Growth and exploration is important, and this is a great space to do this!
Is this suitable for me if I’ve suffered a sexual trauma in the past?
If you have worked through your trauma with a therapist and no longer feel triggered by any of the experiences, then yes this is a safe space. But please be aware, I have a positive and humorous way of teaching and guiding, which means it may still not be suitable for you. If you are unsure, then I would be happy to have a chat with you before hand, drop me an email at
What will show on my bank statements?
Sexucation is my trading name, but my accounts are all under J Staniforth Coaching, so sex won’t be splashed all over your statements.
I’m concerned about people finding out, and it is holding me back.
It is okay that you are feeling like this, female sexuality is surrounded by an aura of fear and shame. Joining a space that is dedicated to sex can be incredible daunting. Before joining the membership, I’d invite you to have a chat with me.
How do you keep our chat and conversations private?
This was really important to me when setting up the membership, because open communication and sharing is a great way to learn and explore. When you join the membership, you’ll be asked to join a Discord private server. This product allows you to create an account with an avatar image and any display name you wish. If means that you will be able to talk to the community, without your real identity being broadcast, if that is what you wish.
Likewise, if you were to join the live masterclasses, we would never name anyone out right, call upon you, ask you to have your video on or put you in a position that is uncomfortable.
Only me and my admins will ever know who you are.