RSE Survey

Thank you for heading to the Survey, it should take just a few minutes to complete. If you have any thoughts or comments you can also pop them below.

RSE stands for Relationship and Sex Education, and the acronym that is used across schooling curriculums.

Data Points (About You)

Do you remember your own RSE at school? *
As an adult, do you think the education you received was enough? *
Did your parents ever talk to you about RSE topics at home? *
What is your relationship with your child? *
Do you believe RSE is important topic for your child to learn? *

Data Points (About Your Child)

What Year Group is your child(ren) in? *
Is your child currently homeschooled? *

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) at School

Have you ever been CONCERNED by the way that RSE has been shared with your child? *
Have you received adequate updates and notifications from school surrounding RSE topics? *
Have you ever asked to see the content from RSE sessions your child has experienced? *
How many RSE lessons has your child had over the last year? *
These might be lessons around puberty, consent, building relationships for example
Do you believe boys and girls should be kept separate during RSE topics?
Has your child ever received RSE from an Expert? *
For example has a Sexologist or specialist RSE company come to school?

Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) at Home

Do you agree that us parents have a responsibility to inform our children more fully on RSE topics?
Has your child ever asked you a question at home about RSE? *
If yes, was this immediately after a RSE lesson at school?
How did you feel about answering questions they ask? You can pick more than one *
If that question was about masturbation would it change your answer to the above? *
Would you be comfortable teaching your children? *
Have you ever looked for resources (outside of school) to provide your child with RSE? *
How do you feel about your child learning sex and relationships in a positive light, to include subjects around pleasure?

The Platform - Coming soon!

The contents of this survey will remain anonymous, and used for marketing and data research. However, if you would like me to stay in contact or get involved with the platform, then please complete your details below.

When the online platform is available, does it sound like something that would interest you? *

By providing my email address and submitting this form I give permission for Sexucation/J Staniforth Coaching to contact me regarding future developments and/or marketing. Details of Privacy Policy and GDPR can be found on Sexucation website (

Anything You'd Like to Share?