Module #1: Society Tells Me I 'Should'
Module #2: Anatomy
Module #3: Why Don't I Want Sex
Module #4: Desire Patterns
Module #5: Get Excited
Module #6: Context is QUEEN!
Module #7: Looking Deeper Into What We DON'T Want
Module #8: Stress is killing the mood
Module #9: Let's Talk About It
Module #10: On A High Note
BONUS: Links for MORE
A Piece Of The Puzzle We Often Miss
The science and social narratives around sex really can help you understand ‘why’ you behave a certain way. Why you enjoyed sex yesterday but when trying to re-create it today it just ‘does not feel good’.
Why similar experiences led to different results. Why you enjoy positions that your close friends avoid. Why your partner reacts a certain way.
Today we are covering context. Context is top dog, the queen bee! Some of the top authorities in the sexological world herald context as one of the most important topics for professionals to share with clients, because it can answer soooo many questions.
So let’s talk context….