Module #1: Society Tells Me I 'Should'
Module #2: Anatomy
Module #3: Why Don't I Want Sex
Module #4: Desire Patterns
Module #5: Get Excited
Module #6: Context is QUEEN!
Module #7: Looking Deeper Into What We DON'T Want
Module #8: Stress is killing the mood
Module #9: Let's Talk About It
Module #10: On A High Note
BONUS: Links for MORE
It’s NOT Your Fault
Looking at where we come from, the question we all ask ourselves ‘am I normal?’ and how society views sex will give you a better understanding as to why your desire is low or unreliable.
The fear and shame that surrounds the topic is built from decades (even centuries) of negative and patriarchal views of how women should enjoy sex, views that are ingrained in our everyday lives that we don’t even notice.